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Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

$3,000 to $4,000 in Agency Fees

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Step Parent Adoption Program Requirements Outline
Step Parent Adoption Services Checklist
Step Parent Adoption Program Requirements
Step-Parent Adoption Frequently Asked Questions

As an agency we have certain requirements for perspective adoptive families looking to work with us on an adoption. 

Although they are not always mandated by the state, they are based on years of experience and interwoven into our agency mission, that every child deserves a permanent family.

Why do we have to have a homestudy?

Many people who pursue a step-parent adoption have been living together, and parenting the child for a long period of time, wonder why it is necessary to have a homestudy.  The State requires a homestudy to be done on any person pursuing adoption, regardless of the type of adoption.  Our social worker will meet with you, your spouse, and the child at least one time in your home.  This meeting, and the required clearances and references along with the application, will be needed to complete the homestudy.

How will this affect the child’s other biological parent?
A step-parent adoption requires that one of the biological parents relinquish their parental rights to the child.  This is done legally at a Termination of Parental Rights hearing.  At the completion of this hearing, the parent no longer holds any legal rights or responsibilities to that child.  This means that they are no longer responsible for child support and they no longer have a legal right to see or visit the child.   Once the parent has relinquished their parental rights, the child is free for adoption, and the Step-parent will be named as legal parent and guardian to the child. This normally takes place at the same hearing.

Why does the child have to know about the adoption?
Adoption Services requires that the child involved with a step-parent adoption openly knows about the adoption.  We feel that this honesty is in the best interest of the child and the family’s future.  We understand that there are many circumstances that play into how this adoption came about, but we still feel it is best for a child to realize where their roots lie, and how their family has come to be.

A Step-Parent adoption requires that a home study be conducted and approved by a licensed adoption agency.

It will require the termination of one parents rights to allow for the step-parent to adopt. 

Step Parent Adoption Costs Estimate