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Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

     It is with a heavy heart that we announce Adoption Services Inc. will be permanently closing its doors as of August 31st, 2024.

      Everyone who is familiar with adoption is well aware that it's a venture of the heart. The adoption process has never been an easy one. It is imbued with love and fulfillment but not without first persevering over unpredictability and uncertainty. Sustaining an adoption agency often brings about similar emotions. There is no way to adequately quantify the work involved in bringing families together. Still, this is exactly what Adoption Services has done for over 40 years. This decision was one of incalculable difficulty, but we leave knowing that our legacy will live on in the over 2,000 women, families, and children impacted by our work.

      When we first opened our doors we were the first private, non-profit agency in Wisconsin. In reality, most of the time we survived “paycheck-to-paycheck,” depending upon home studies, placements, court reports and appearances and finalizations to make payroll and keep the lights on. Adoption is unpredictable for everyone involved, including the agency. There have been times we have gone months with no new revenue stream. Now, for the first time, we are facing 6 months without placements. We have explored smaller avenues of income, but no placements means we are limited by time and finances. As the Board reflected on this development, it was clear that this is a symptom of larger social changes that have been going on for the past two decades. Use of social media, allowing potential birth mothers to access large agencies out of state, fewer women desiring adoption as a choice for their pregnancy, and limitations on international adoptions have all contributed to the challenge of connecting families with potential birth mothers. Given this social context, it became clear that now is the right time to embrace our closing.

      The Board takes pride in the work the agency has done. We have been aware of the financial situation for the past three years and held out hope that a way to continue the work and mission of the agency would materialize. We have watched other small agencies close their doors. Measures were taken to pare down expenses, which included years of suspending raises to all employees, and reducing the director and assistant director’s salaries. We also discontinued our exclusivity contract and encouraged clients to work with out-of-state agencies to increase likelihood of matches. Unfortunately, even these measures were not enough.

      Donna Strayer, our steadfast director, and the ASI staff have done all they could to support our clients to the highest degree. We are well respected in the community and it is imperative we maintain that positive reputation upon our closing. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do so without your help.

      We come to you now to ask for your help in supporting our ability to fulfill our remaining responsibilities. Funds are needed to pay employees as they do the difficult work of cleaning up and transferring files to their permanent storage with the State, as well as resolving our current outstanding expenses. 

      Please Consider a Legacy contribution. If Adoption Services has made a positive impact in your life, please make a small donation to show your appreciation. We would also like you to leave a note on our Legacy Wall. Though this is very difficult to face, the important work the agency has done over the years cannot be denied! We would like to celebrate the impact the agency has had on people’s lives and families. Even if you are unable to give monetarily, please take a moment to give a note of thanks.