Practiced Religion: Christian

​Samantha's Occupation: IT Coordinator and Client

​                                         Services

My Favorites

Fun Facts About Me- Angie

We LOVE our home. It is cozy and inviting with its vaulted ceilings and big windows! It has a relaxing patio area and a huge fenced in yard for plenty of room to run and play!

My Favorites- Angie

Pets: Yes- Piper

Stay-At-Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children: No

​Other Biological Children: Yes


My Promise

My Promise

I promise to love your child unconditionally.

I promise that your child will live with laughter, smiles, hugs and happiness everyday.

I promise that your child will be in a safe and secure environment.

I promise they will be surrounded and supported by a family that is very excited and ready to meet them.

I promise to nurture them and help them grow in faith and into an independent individual.

I promise to help them learn and explore the world.

I promise to help them to follow their dreams.

I promise that your child will know their story and how much love and courage you have for choosing this path.

Hi there –
My name is Samantha. I don’t know what it's like to be in your shoes or the emotions you must be feeling. However, I do know how hard it is making decisions for your child’s future. You are such a courageous and selfless person for choosing this path for you and your child.

 I really want to thank you for taking the time to look through my profile and learning more about myself and my family. It’s hard to squeeze my life into a few pages and express how much love I have to offer, but I hope this profile gives you an idea.

I have a wonderful life with my son, Oliver. He is four and has big brown eyes and a love for all things superhero. I come from a bigger family, one of five, so Oliver’s aunts and uncles are over all the time. Growing up, I loved having siblings and I have always wanted a big family for myself. I also want Oliver to have all the wonderful experiences that I had growing up with my siblings!

Oliver can’t wait to show his new sibling his room, which is decorated in his favorite, Toy Story. He also can’t wait to take his new sibling on walks in our neighborhood and pool days at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

As a parent, I look forward to when we can bake our favorite Christmas cookies, read books together, dance parties in the car and go to the annual family cookouts in the summer. Several members of my family have been adopted, so I look forward to speaking about adoption daily and explaining just how amazing it is!

I grew up in a religious home and carry those beliefs with me today. I feel that God has had a helping hand in putting me on this path to adoption and I am so ready for it! My story may not be the most traditional path to adoption, but my heart is big and so is my passion for adoption and love of family.

No matter the family you choose (even if it is not ours) you will make the right choice.

I truly wish you strength, health and happiness.

From Me, To You

Fun Facts About Me

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