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Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl
Photo of Madeaya and Jacob. Looks just like their profile book cover.

From Us, To You

Fun Facts About Us

Our Favorites

Our profile book cover signifies the image above is the same image on the couples profile book in Adoption Services Inc's office.

Years Together: 16 years

Practiced Religion: Lutheran and Catholic

Nicole's Occupation: CL CSA Manager

​Erick's Occupation: Second Operator

Dear Birth Mother,

We hope this letter finds you well!

It is with great anticipation and excitement that we write to express our heartfelt desire to become the adoptive parents of your precious child. We understand that this decision is not made lightly, and we want to assure you that we approach this journey with the utmost sincerity and commitment.

We recognize the difficult choices you have had to make and the profound love you have for your child's well-being. Your strength in considering adoption speaks volumes about the kind of mother you are, and we have the utmost respect and admiration for you.

We would like to embark on this journey together and have always dreamed of becoming parents and providing a loving and nurturing home for a child. While our path to parenthood has been different from yours, we are genuinely excited about the prospect of welcoming a child into our lives through adoption. Much like Nicole’s dad did, with his stepdaughter.

We promise to provide a safe, stable, and loving environment for your child to grow and thrive. Our home is filled with love, laughter, and support, and we are committed to ensuring that your child always knows the love and respect we have for you as their birth mother. We believe that an open adoption is a beautiful way for a child to know their roots and the incredible love that surrounds them.

Our commitment to your child's well-being is unwavering. We are eager to provide them with opportunities to explore their interests, receive a quality education, and experience the world around them. We are also fortunate to have a close-knit network of family and friends who are excited to welcome your child into their lives.

We understand that this journey may be filled with a mix of emotions, and we want you to know that we are here to support you in whatever way you need. We are open to maintaining contact and ensuring that your child knows their unique and special story from the very beginning.
We are more than willing to answer any questions you may have and are open to meeting in person, if you are comfortable, to discuss this journey further. Your comfort and peace of mind are of the utmost importance to us.

Thank you for considering us as potential adoptive parents for your child. We look forward to the opportunity to get to know you better and to navigate this journey together.

With warm regards and gratitude,

Nikki and Erick


Pets: Yes, 1 dog... Jordy, a very good boy

Stay-At-Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children: No

​Other Biological Children: No

Nicole & Erick