Adoption Services Inc. Logo
Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

This is Harvey!

​He is a friendly and energetic 2 year old Goldendoodle. Harvey spends his days running in the yard, going on walks with his hoomans, and playing with his friends at doggy daycare., He has a loving personality and is a big part of our lives. 

Kristen & Chad

Fun Facts About Us

Pets: Yes, 1 Dog, Harvey

Stay-At-Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children: No

​Other Biological Children: No

Our Favorites

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We have tremendous respect for the choice you have made in considering adoption. We imagine you must be feeling a wide range of emotions during this time, and we hope that you feel supported throughout your journey.

We knew when we got married that we wanted a family. After an unsuccessful fertility journey, we decided that adoption was the best way for us to start our family. Adoption has always been part of our family conversation, and we now understand how it will fit into our story. The unknown is scary, but we have faith in the open adoption process because our dear friend is a a birthmom herself. She has provided invaluable insight and has shown us that the open adoption process can be amazing.

We are committed to creating an open and loving environment. We will treat everyone who is part of this journey with respect. Our parenting philosophy is that we are there to provide love and support to a child, while also equipping them with life skills and helping them to develop the emotional aptitude needed to navigate life. Our goal is to provide a household environment where a child feels safe, supported, and loved.

We understand that you need to make a choice that you are comfortable with. We appreciate the weight of this decision and look forward to the opportunity to meet you and write our story together.

Our Profile Book Cover Badge


Our Harvey

Years Together: 5 years

Practiced Religion: Christian

​Kristen's Occupation: Financial Manager

​Chad's Occupation: Company President

From Us, To You