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Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl
Our profile book cover signifies the image above is the same image on the couples profile book in Adoption Services Inc's office.

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to view our profile and considering us for parents for your precious baby. Although we can’t begin to imagine how difficult of a time and decision this has been for you, we want you to know that our hearts go out to you. We hope you have the love and the support of your friends and family to help you through your journey.

While we can’t predict what the future will bring, we can promise you that by helping us create our family, our hearts and doors will always be open to you. We will welcome and respect any role you may want to have in your child’s life even if that changes over the years.

As parents we promise to provide a safe and loving home. We will encourage them to be thoughtful, curious, courageous, and respectful. We will support them and encourage them to pursue their dreams and passions no matter how big or small their dreams may be.

We will always be there for them through all the good times but more importantly the more challenging ones. We pray that Chris’s very own adoption story will help give our child not only a common bond but also a better understanding of adoption and the feelings that can arise in your lifetime.

Again, we know this is probably the most difficult decision you may ever have to make. Please know that whatever decision you make, we wish you and your child all the love and happiness in the world. Thank you again for taking the time to read about us.

Wishing you the best,

Chris and Heather

Pets: Yes

Stay-At-Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children: No

​Other Biological Children: No

Years Together: 10 years

Practiced Religion: Lutheran

Heather's Occupation: Retail Sales Associate

​Chris's Occupation: Retail Team Leader

From Us, To You

Heather & Chris

Our Favorites

Fun Facts About Us

Photo of Madeaya and Jacob. Looks just like their profile book cover.
