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Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

I know we don’t know each other yet, but we hope that by reading this, it’ll open the door to inviting us to share in this journey with you. Although we may have had different experiences up to this point, our lives have brought us here to a very important similarity – we both want what’s best for the beautiful child about to enter this world!

Even though this is an exciting time for us, we understand that this is an incredibly tough decision for you to make an adoption plan. We can’t imagine the array of emotions you are experiencing. It takes a lot of love and strength to do this for your child, and in turn, we promise to love the child with the same fierceness that you are demonstrating. We want you to know that we have great respect for your decision and are so grateful to even be considered.

We won’t be able to answer all the questions that are going through your mind, but we can at least help you get to know us a little better. We met while taking a class together at Fox Valley Tech. We’ve been together for 7 years, married for 5 of them. Our relationship is strong, and we have a very loving marriage. The other member of our family is our mini goldendoodle, Peaches, and she is such a wonderful blessing in our lives. We live in a quiet neighborhood in Appleton and do not have any children yet, but we are excited to grow our family by opening our hearts and sharing all our love with a child.

Since we both love the beach and the ocean, we’ve started decorating the nursery as an “under the sea” theme, that way the room will fit for either a boy or a girl. Although we have not met our future “Baby P” (that’s how we have been referring to our future little one), we already feel so much love towards them. We feel like we have a lot to offer a child, including a safe place, a spacious home, security, a loving family, and a fun and adventurous life. We love spending time outdoors and enjoy bike rides, boating on the lake, fishing, paddleboarding, exploring state parks, and trips to the zoo – all of which we can’t wait to share with Baby P!

Family is very important to us and quality time is something we deeply value. We are ready to be dedicated parents and make Baby P our priority. Many of our close relatives are excited to support us and shower the child with all the love in their hearts. Adoption is not something we entered into on a whim. We’ve spent a lot of time praying over and discussing this decision and have felt led to pursue adoption to grow our family. We fully understand it’s not an easy journey, but we have a strong foundation and are prepared to take on this responsibility. 

We’d love for you to take a look at our profile book in hopes that we’ll get the opportunity to meet you! It is our desire that we can form a relationship with you and include you throughout our lives. No matter what you choose, we truly wish the very best for you and your child.

With love,

Hannah and Adam

Years Together: 7 years

Practiced Religion: Christian (non-Denominational)

​Hannah's Occupation: HR Coordinator

​Adam's Occupation: Aircraft Interior Technician

Adoption Profile Book Cover- Emily and Mike

Our Favorites

Pets: Yes, 1 Dog, Peaches

Stay-At-Home Parent: Not right now

Other Adopted Children: No

​Other Biological Children: No

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From Us, To You

Fun Facts About Us


Hannah & Adam