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> Couples must be married a minimum of one year.

> Couples/individuals must be of an age range acceptable to birthparents.

> Couples/individuals must be in reasonable good health.  Individuals with past remissions from cancer or if they have received alcohol and/or drug therapy will be assessed on a case by case basis.

> Couples/individuals will have an income adequate to provide for the financial needs of a child. 

> Couples/individuals understand and will notify the agency immediately if they become pregnant.

> Couples/individuals understand a second adoption cannot be attempted until the adoption of the first child is finalized and the child is at least one year of age.

> Single individuals and married partners may apply with the agency.

> Criteria limits may be adjusted in the case of children with special needs.

> Couples/individuals will agree not to use spanking, or any form of corporal punishment, as a form of discipline.

Embryo Adoption is the process whereby embryos produced from the sperm and egg of one couple are adopted by an infertile woman or couple who have fulfilled adoptive requirements.

For FAQ’s, Costs, Clinic Searches, Webinars, and other informational resources please visit the

Embryo Adoption Contact Information
For more information on Homestudies for Embryo Adoptions please use the form found on our "Contact Us" page. 

Adoption Services Inc. can help interested families in facilitating an Embryo Adoption and currently works with clinics and donation programs across the country.

As an agency we have certain requirements for perspective adoptive families looking to work with us on an adoption. 
Although they are not always mandated by the state, they are based on years of experience and interwoven into our agency mission, that every child deserves a permanent family.