Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

Gifts of Time, Expertise, and Resources: When you engage, post a review, or share content from one of our social media pages or Google listing you promote our mission in so many ways.

It helps to boost our rankings on online search listings, increases our reach on social media platforms, allows our content and clients to be seen by more people, and strengthens our online community of support.

Without a strong online presence it is difficult to promote our services to birth and adoptive parents.​​

To Birth Parents:

Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

Like, Comment, Share, and Review: When you engage, post a review, or share content from one of our social media pages or Google listing you promote our mission in so many ways.

It helps to boost our rankings on online search listings, increases our reach on social media platforms, allows our content and clients to be seen by more people, and strengthens our online community of support.

Without a strong online presence it is difficult to promote our services to birth and adoptive parents.​​

Monetary Donations: Can be made in the form of Check (Personal, Business, or Cashiers) or Credit Card. 

  • Checks can be made payable to Adoption Services Inc.
  • All donations should be sent to, Adoption Services Inc, 2439 S. Oneida Street, Appleton, WI 54915
  • Please include our Printable Donation Form with your contribution.
We Are Here Today for a Child's Tomorrow- Adoption Services Inc Motto

There are Several Ways to Support Adoption Services Inc. 

- Food and Gas Cards

- Maternity Clothes

- Educational Opportunities

- Employment Opportunities and Job Training Resources

- Doula and Birthing Coach Services

​- Lamaze and Bradley Method Class Donations.

- Graphic Design and Printing Services 

- Space to hold Meetings and Pre-Adoptive Education Classes

- Professional Auditing Services, so that we can apply for larger grants and crowd/angel donor networks

- Research on Available Grants Open to All/Any Member of the Adoption Triad and Grant Writing Services.

- Help Fundraising

- Volunteer Your Time and Knowledge as a Member of Our Board of Directors.

Our Mission and Intentions for Funds Raised

Adoption Services Inc. was established in 1983 as the first independent, 501(3)(3) non-profit, non-sectarian licensed adoption agency in Wisconsin. With offices located in the Appleton and Milwaukee area.

We provide an array of services and support to expectant parents, birth parents, and those hoping to expand their family through adoption throughout the state of Wisconsin. 

It is imperative that we create an environment for positive decision making, made in partnership with one another. As a small operating agency, we take pride in our ability to provide personal and individual attention to our clients. Adoption Services provides not only birth parent counseling but also completes home study approval and licensing for prospective adoptive parents, post-placement supervision, and assistance with independent adoption. We house several adoption programs including step-parent adoption, relative adoption, embryo adoption and agency-based adoptions including matching services. 

We believe that every child has a right to be unconditionally accepted as a permanent member of a family and that adoption is a lifelong commitment and act of unconditional love.

Adoption counseling is a difficult and fragile process. It is never easy for birthparents to make the sacrificial decision to terminate parental rights for the best interest of their children.

It is never easy for hopeful adoptive parents to be unsure of the circumstances that may materialize to make their adoption dream come true.

However, when the miraculous process of adoption is nurtured well, by ALL persons involved, and the needs of the child remain the fundamental priority, profound joy can result for everyone, even the birthparents.

Adoption is not without risks, but for those with commitment to adoption, there is much to gain.

All donations are used to help support the children, birthparents, adoptive parents, and the agency through services, counseling, crisis prevention, and offsetting services and operating costs.

On behalf of Our Staff and Our Clients, "Thank You" for your generosity and support.

Amazon Smile Program: Please use the link below to list Adoption Services Inc as your preferred charity on Amazon. A portion of any purchase will be donated to us.​​

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