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The Adoptive Families website is packed with trusted expert advice and real-life stories from parents like you. 

5 Red Flags She Will Change Her Mind: Adoption attorney Jim Thompson has been practicing adoption law for more than 25 years. He shares the top 5 warning signs that an expectant mom will change her mind.

Positive Adoption Language: "The way we talk and the words we choose, say a lot about what we think and value. When we use positive adoption language, we say that adoption is a way to build a family just as birth is."

Legacy of an Adopted Child A beautiful poem depicting the love found in adoption.

10 Things Every Birthmother Wants Adoptive Parents to Know: "There are 10 things every birthmother thinks about, wishes for, and hopes for when placing their child for adoption. If you are in an open adoption, you may have heard some already, if not, they are important to know.."

Adoption from a Birthmother's Perspective: Michelle gifts us with a recounting of her adoption experience as a birthmother. From selecting a family for her child to their connection, communication, and feelings years after finalization.

Naming and Renaming Our Children: "All of my strongest views on adoption have come with time and experience. Almost 11 years ago when I was waiting for my first child, all I could think of was what will we name him or her?"

So Much More Than a Name: "While the pressure to find the perfect name is a standard for any parent, for adoptive parents there is a door that opens up to a whole new set of questions that can become overwhelming."