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One of the fundamental rights protected by the Constitution is the right of a parent to raise his child.

Under Wisconsin law, the mother of a child born out of wedlock has custody. However, the father also has rights to agree to in order to make your child available for adoption. In fact, this cannot be done without either your voluntary consent or a legal procedure to terminate your rights involuntarily.

You also have the right to ask the Court to grant you custody and allow you to raise your child.

Planning for a child’s future is as much a father’s job as a mother’s job. Deciding whether to raise your child or place him or her for adoption is an important choice you will have to make.

It is often a difficult decision to make. Frequently, when contemplating an adoption plan for your child,  it is helpful to talk it over with someone outside of your families. Adoption Services offers free and confidential birthparent counseling.  A quick meeting with an adoption professional can provide you with helpful information about the adoption process, and can answer specific questions you may have regarding your rights and responsibilities.

We also invite you to view our Parenting Plan page or download the PDF version of Creating a Parenting Plan. This tool is intended to help you objectively about your child's needs and if you are able to provide them. Our goal isn't to sway your decision only help you actively make a decision and leave nothing to chance.

Birthfathers Rights in Adoption Page Image

What is TPR?

Adoption is a legal process in which you, as a birthparent, terminate your legal parental rights to your child and agree to allow an adoptive family to takes on the responsibility of raising your child. 

Your rights can only be terminated by a court through a voluntary or involuntary process. Until that occurs you continue to keep all rights to your child until. 

Whether you are married or single, you have an important role in planning for your child’s future.

You Are a Father

Do You Need More?

You Have a Responsibility to Your Child.

How You Can Help Your Child After TPR

The legal procedure of permanently removing all rights to a child from his/her biological parents is called a Termination of Parental Rights, or TPR.

Once your parental rights have been terminated, you are no longer legally the parent of your child. A termination of parental rights is a very serious procedure, and an adoption specialist or attorney can assist you in understanding the legality of your choice.

There are many good reasons for deciding not to parent your child yourself. If you decided to terminate your rights, you many have to appear in court so the judge can be sure you are making an informed and voluntary decision about such an important matter.

All of our birthparent counseling is 100% free and confidential. If you would like to speak with one of our counselors please feel free to Contact Us.


your rights...

your responsibilities...

Our Services

Are 100% Free and Confidential

Why Choose Adoption?

Your Right to Parent

  • 24/7 Availability and Support Before and After: You will have access to your pregnancy counselor. You won’t be passed around to those who are available. The contact information you are given connects you directly via phone, email, text, and video with the counselor specifically assigned to your case.

  • A customized parenting plan that sets you up for success no matter what you decide.

  • Assistance designing  and supporting your partner through delivery and recovery.

  • Pregnancy related resources, community referrals, and financial assistance.

...and more

What is Adoption?

What are the Different Types of Adoption?

Thank you for taking the time to allow us to introduce ourselves and what we offer. 
We hope that we made a good first impression. 

For Any Other Needs, Please Feel Free to Contact Us:

Madison/Milwaukee/Southern Wisconsin Office
Toll Free: 888-982-3678
Office Phone: 414-332-1800 (M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm)

Appleton/Green Bay/Northern Wisconsin Office
Toll Free: 888-982-3678
Office Phone: 920-735-6750 (M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm)

After Hours & Other Contact Options
After Hours Phone: 414-333-8725 (Call or Text)
Facebook Messenger is Available in the bottom right corner or on our Facebook page @adoptionservicesinc
Here is a link to the “Contact Us” Form You can Complete and Submit.

Adoption is a big decision for you. It is a choice you make for yourself and your baby. Caring for a child is not an easy job. Taking time to examine what you want to do with your life and if parenting right now is part of that future isn't selfish. In fact, it is something that all future parents, planned or unplanned, should do for their children.

Take time to think about your school and job situation. About who can help you with your baby and the life-long responsibilities you assume when you become a parent. Think about your baby's needs emotionally, physically, and financially and decide what you want for your child. The decision is yours to make.

If you decide that an adoption plan is what's best for you and your baby never feel as though you are taking the "easy way" out. Making a decision that limits your access to your child is NEVER easy. An adoption plan is a parenting plan and without your sacrifice and immense love for your child,the family you choose would never know the love found through family and your child would never know the joy of opportunity and the most selfless act of unconditional love by those who gave them life.

This is a difficult decision with hard questions and even more complex answers. We want you to understand that every birthparent we work with comes from a unique background, with unique experiences and unique needs. 

As adoption advocates and allies in breaking the stigmas and stereotypes, you will never find judgement here. 

Birthparents are our priority, the reason we do what we do, and the ethical standards in which we do it. Most of our staff have their own adoption story. We have seen others take advantage of women, men, and children and we are here to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone who seeks our help.

We Will NEVER...

  • Pressure you toward one option or another.
  • Share information about you, your partner, your baby, or even that we have spoken with ANYONE.
  • Ask you to commit, sign, or agree to anything before you are ready and understand all of your options.
  • Judge you for how you feel, what you have been through, or decisions you make.
  • Make you feel guilty or ashamed. We provide you with all the support, information, and tools to form your own opinions and make your own decisions. 

If you have decided that an adoption plan is best for you and your child, there are several final things you can do for your child.

As your child grows up, access to non-identifying information about you as a person (which you have provided to Adoption Services) will help him or her gain a sense of self and identity. It will also help him or her understand you as a person and why you made the decision to allow your child to be adopted.

Medical and genetic information provided by birthparents can be very important in a child’s life. In preparing for your termination of parental rights, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your medical and genetic background. This will be kept on file by the State Department of Health and Family Services, and may be updated at any time by you.

Adoption today takes many forms. It gives you, as a birthparent, options as to how much involvement you wish to have in choosing an adoptive family for your child. It also gives you some choice as to how much you wish to know about the adoptive family. You have a right to plan for your child’s future, and should carefully think about how you want to do this.

Our Parenting Plan goes into greater detail about factors you can and should consider if you decide to select an adoptive family. 

Her are some examples of different types of adoption. Sometimes they are just one of these and other times they are a combination of the different types.

Open Adoption involves a meeting between the birthparents and adoptive parents. Identifying information is exchanged.

Semi Open Adoption may involve a meeting between the two sets of parents, but identifying information is not exchanged.

Semi Traditional Adoption allows the birthparents to select the adoptive family on the basis of written profiles provided by the agency.

Traditional Adoption is completely anonymous, with the agency making the selection of an adoptive home.

Independent Adoption involves the birthparents and the adoptive parents in mutually selecting each other, without agency assistance in making the decision.