Adoption Services Inc_ Gold Swirl

Independent Adoption is when a birthparent and an adoptive family find each other or are matched by a source or service outside of ASI.

The adoptive family, the birthparent, or both will work with ASI to complete several or all services. 

The services needed will depend on several factors and ASI can tailor our role in your adoption journey to the individual needs of our adoptive families and birthparents.

Independent Adoption Costs National Average
Independent Adoption Program Requirements

$15,000 to $45,000 in Program Costs


How can someone find a birthparent on their own?
Independent adoptions can happen in several different ways.

  • A friend of a friend may hear of someone who would like to place their baby for adoption.
  • There are also many websites designed to aide prospective adoptive parents in finding a birthparent.
  • Social Media Platforms and Groups
  • A Matching Agency, Adoption Attorney, or Facilitator in a different state. (for definitions and information on these types of service providers please see: How to Select an Adoption Agency
  • Other ways include newspaper ads, or posting flyers around your community.

What will we know about the birthparent?
The amount of information you know about the birthparent(s) is dependent on the way that you meet.

If you meet through friends, and have been talking on the phone, chances are you know quite a bit about their situation. On the other hand, if you meet through the internet, you may only be emailing, and can’t get a real picture of the situation.

As the due date nears, if the expectant parent(s) still wants to work with you, the agency will contact them and offer assistance. If they are out of state, we will most likely get verifying information from the agency or lawyer that is facilitating the adoption. We do share any information we have about the birthparent, whether it is or is not identifying information is up to the birthparents discretion. 

How will the birthparent know about us?
Hopefully you will be able to provide some form of contact to the birthparents you have found on your own, whether it is an email address, phone number, or agency name.  When you establish communication, you should forward a copy of your profile to the expectant parent(s). This is how they will get to know you and your family.  

Why do independent adoptions cost less?
The cost is less than an agency placement but in an independent adoption, if Adoption Services, Inc. is working with the birthparents and the birthparents would decide to parent then the adoptive family would be responsible for all of the time that the agency put into the case. For an agency adoption if the adoption is not successful the family would not be billed an agency placement fee. For an independent adoption, as well as in an agency adoption, legal fees will be extra and the responsibility of the adoptive parents.

Do we need an attorney?
In Wisconsin, an agency approved, attorney must be retained by the adopting family to facilitate and petition the court to complete the Termination of Parental Rights. 

Independent Adoption Program Requirements Outline

Our clients and their families are important to us and that is why we take the time to carefully consider each perspective adoptive family.

We do our best to individualize each experience and decision we make; above all, we always reserve the right to make exceptions to any or all of our requirements.

$7,000 to $11,000 in Agency Fees

Independent Adoption Services Checklist

As an agency we have certain requirements for our perspective adoptive parents
Although they are not always mandated by the state, they are based on years of experience and adhere to our agency's mission and ethical standards.

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Independent Adoption Agency Costs Estimate
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Independent Adoption Frequently Asked Questions